I attended the Umbraco Examine Course & you won’t believe what happened next

If you were at this year annual Umbraco developer conference CodeGarden, you may have seen a lightning talk with a click-bait title in the scheduled and then it magically disappeared like one of Damiaan’s magic tricks

So you may be wondering what the hell happened to it?!

I will be honest & frank with you, during CodeGarden I was having a crap time on the inside whilst I battled dealing with the large crowds with depression & anxiety and was using drink as a coping mechanism to try suppress my emotions.

I woke up on day two of CodeGarden in a mess physically with a crap hangover and mentally with the exhaustion of feelings. After a chat with my lovely bosses at the HQ, who always ensure we are looked after. It was decided it was best I jump on the first plane and get home as soon as possible for rest, recovery & to sort myself out. Unfortunately I have been in a similar place before and I did not want the same state of  psychosis and being back in hospital. 

So I wanted to share this story, to try and help reduce the stigma and help others who may be experiencing similar problems to let them know they are not alone and that it’s super important to look after yourself and talk to someone, as Ravi mentions in his lightning talk.

OK i’ll wrap up that short summary there…

Enough of that, just show me the talk; Warren!

Without further a do, I present to you the talk that I didn’t give from my kitchen, so if my talk is a terrible mess I’ve decided I am going to start doing a cooking YouTube channel 😛


Are you one of those people who like to refer to slides, if so I got your back and you can download and view them here.


Watched or read through the slides and have some questions, then leave a comment on this post or send me a message on twitter @warrenbuckley

Time to say goodbye…for now

Hello all
I have not written a blog post for a little while but I thought I’ll cobble this together on the commute into London.

It’s time to say goodbye to uHangout for this year, but don’t worry it’s not going away permanently it’s that uHangout & me will be taking a little well deserved break.

This is mainly because I am stepping away from the lovely Umbraco Gold Partner gang that is The CogWorks and in doing so I am taking a little ‘me’ time between now; well tomorrow & when my new role starts in January.

So it made sense for uHangout to take a break so that I can recharge my batteries, pump up that enthusiasm and ensure the uHangout pet project gets a bit more love and that the annoying tech issues become less frequent than they currently are!

So in the new year I am so happy to announce that I will be returning to work with the awesome guys & gals over at Umbraco to help continuing to deliver a great CMS that we all love to use.

I am sad to be leaving my CogWorks family and has been loads of fun, so if you are on the lookout for a new Umbraco role and want to work with a great team building some neat websites then make sure to get in touch with Anthony Dang or Adam Shallcross

With me joining Umbraco the uHangout project will not turn into a corporate marketing show; not that Umbraco is even ‘corporate’ in that sense that of the way. This will still a pet project of mine which I will still be talking with the fantastic members of the Umbraco community about their packages & latest contribution in this show & tell format.

So with me taking a bit of hiatus I will be spending some good family time and going completely dark, so don’t expect me to reply to tweets and emails so that I can fully disconnect from our busy world that we all work in to become a fully rested & recharged Warren ready to deliver great stuff in the new year!

So don’t panic I have not run away or got hit by a bus!

With that all said & done it’s time to say goodbye….for now.
Warren x