I attended the Umbraco Examine Course & you won’t believe what happened next

If you were at this year annual Umbraco developer conference CodeGarden, you may have seen a lightning talk with a click-bait title in the scheduled and then it magically disappeared like one of Damiaan’s magic tricks

So you may be wondering what the hell happened to it?!

I will be honest & frank with you, during CodeGarden I was having a crap time on the inside whilst I battled dealing with the large crowds with depression & anxiety and was using drink as a coping mechanism to try suppress my emotions.

I woke up on day two of CodeGarden in a mess physically with a crap hangover and mentally with the exhaustion of feelings. After a chat with my lovely bosses at the HQ, who always ensure we are looked after. It was decided it was best I jump on the first plane and get home as soon as possible for rest, recovery & to sort myself out. Unfortunately I have been in a similar place before and I did not want the same state of  psychosis and being back in hospital. 

So I wanted to share this story, to try and help reduce the stigma and help others who may be experiencing similar problems to let them know they are not alone and that it’s super important to look after yourself and talk to someone, as Ravi mentions in his lightning talk.

OK i’ll wrap up that short summary there…

Enough of that, just show me the talk; Warren!

Without further a do, I present to you the talk that I didn’t give from my kitchen, so if my talk is a terrible mess I’ve decided I am going to start doing a cooking YouTube channel 😛


Are you one of those people who like to refer to slides, if so I got your back and you can download and view them here.


Watched or read through the slides and have some questions, then leave a comment on this post or send me a message on twitter @warrenbuckley

Thank You Umbraco Community

So last week was the annual Umbraco developer conference; CodeGarden 15 that is hosted in the homeland of the Umbraco project Copenhagen.

This was the first year I was unable to attend the conference to catch up with the Umbraco community, which I like to call my second family, due to a recent new arrival to my family of my wonderful little daughter!

So with the first CodeGarden that I have missed since I started attending back in 2007 the one & only time it left Copenhagen & came to London that year & was a little gutted to not be able to come this year

If you was at this years CodeGarden you would have seen in the keynote or watched it back online, that I had a lovely surprise from the man himself, Niels Hartvig aka Chief Unicorn turning up unannounced at my front door and was presented with t fantastic LifeTime Umbraco MVP award, which is very touching & nice to hear that my contributions & efforts are noticed.

Rather than me drone on too much I thought I would create a short video instead, but once again a BIG, BIG Thank You Umbraco community for the LifeTime award & for giving me such a lovely reception. It did give me a nice warm happy feeling & a slight happy tear to the eye on Monday morning when I watched it back.

But before I go & wrap up, I want to say congratulations to my fellow MVPs at this years Umbraco CodeGarden that include the lovely bunch of people who continually work hard to make the community a friendlier & happier place, so again congrats to the following:

  • Lee Kelleher – Umbrella Inc
  • Matt Brailsford – The Outfield
  • Jeavon Leopold – Crumpled Dog
  • Jan Skovgaard
  • Jeroen Breuer

Umbraco 2015-2016 MVPS
The Umbraco 2015 MVPs. Photo: Doug Robar

Thanks again Niels for a fantastic surprise!