Thank You Umbraco Community

So last week was the annual Umbraco developer conference; CodeGarden 15 that is hosted in the homeland of the Umbraco project Copenhagen.

This was the first year I was unable to attend the conference to catch up with the Umbraco community, which I like to call my second family, due to a recent new arrival to my family of my wonderful little daughter!

So with the first CodeGarden that I have missed since I started attending back in 2007 the one & only time it left Copenhagen & came to London that year & was a little gutted to not be able to come this year

If you was at this years CodeGarden you would have seen in the keynote or watched it back online, that I had a lovely surprise from the man himself, Niels Hartvig aka Chief Unicorn turning up unannounced at my front door and was presented with t fantastic LifeTime Umbraco MVP award, which is very touching & nice to hear that my contributions & efforts are noticed.

Rather than me drone on too much I thought I would create a short video instead, but once again a BIG, BIG Thank You Umbraco community for the LifeTime award & for giving me such a lovely reception. It did give me a nice warm happy feeling & a slight happy tear to the eye on Monday morning when I watched it back.

But before I go & wrap up, I want to say congratulations to my fellow MVPs at this years Umbraco CodeGarden that include the lovely bunch of people who continually work hard to make the community a friendlier & happier place, so again congrats to the following:

  • Lee Kelleher – Umbrella Inc
  • Matt Brailsford – The Outfield
  • Jeavon Leopold – Crumpled Dog
  • Jan Skovgaard
  • Jeroen Breuer

Umbraco 2015-2016 MVPS
The Umbraco 2015 MVPs. Photo: Doug Robar

Thanks again Niels for a fantastic surprise!


So I have been lucky enough to come back from a fun packed, long week with my second family the Umbraco community at the annual Umbraco conference, CodeGarden.

Thanks for the MVP

CodeGarden14 - MVPs
The Umbraco 2014 MVPs high fiving.        Photo: Doug Robar

I wanted to say a BIG thank you to everyone who voted for me this year to receive a community award, the Umbraco MVP award. I may not has been active as other members of the MVPs on however I like to think this blog with various code snippets & findings I have found out along the way has been useful to yourself & the community, in addition to running the weekly(ish) Umbraco  Show & Tell Google Hangout, called uHangout.

What is an Umbraco MVP?

Niels Hartvig wrote a fantastic blog post on what an Umbraco MVP is, but I will quote him:

MVPs are quite common in different projects and they’re all inspired by Microsofts “Most Valued Professional” program. In Umbraco MVP stands for “Most Valued People” as we see at least as big value in amateurs as in professionals. In fact several Umbraco MVPs started as amateurs only to find that Umbraco is now the cornerstone of their professional career.

An MVP is a person who’s not a part of the core team nor a part of the Umbraco HQ (the company), but in some other way adds extraordinary value to the project. Looking back at previous MVPs this translate into being friendly in the forum or making incredible and highly useful packages. In other words, MVPs represent the best of the community which is the last building block in what makes the foundation of the Umbraco project; the company, the core team and the community.


I want to end my post with a big thanks & a H5YR (High Five You Rock) to the other Umbraco MVPs who help make the Umbraco community fantastic with the packages they create, to the very detailed & helpful answers they post on I swear Jan never sleeps as he always finds the time to post on the forums. So a big thanks to my fellow MVPs & nominees you all do outstanding work & help make this a better place for all.

I never thought in a million years I would be awarded MVP, but it’s easy to get involved with the Umbraco community and you never know it could be you next year.